2021 and Beyond!

Preparing for the new year, I have been trying to practice greater discipline in pursuing God’s presence. A part of this pursuit included listening to a well known prophet giving their prophecy for the new year. This person spoke a little longer than I thought necessary and I had to work at not allowing my mind to wander (oh hello ADHD). Although their prophecy was long winded, the bottom line was this: this year will not be a cake walk but we will prevail.

Hmmm – judge much?

To be honest I was a little disappointed. I thought they were too vague – not specific as to what parts of our culture would struggle. They didn’t give dates or names but “just the year will be bumpy but we will come through it.” I couldn’t help but think “I could have given that word and it wouldn’t have taken a half hour out of my life.” (I’m being transparent here.) To top it off, this prophet’s style is far more Pentecostal (almost religious) than I prefer. So as they spoke I had to admonish myself not to get turned off by the style because I wanted to honor the prophet. I say again, I was a little disappointed.

For those with an ear to hear …

Processing this word with God this morning, he remonstrated me for my attitude. “What were you looking for? The word was not dull, your hearing was dull. Think again what was being said.” Then he downloaded the prophecy to me again. “Things will be rough.” Then he said, “I am telling you ahead of time there will be challenges so you will know I’m not taken by surprise. The body of Christ needs to be reminded I am aware of what is coming and I have a plan and a solution. They need to be reassured I have not forgotten them in the days to come and I am not unaware of what they will be going through.” “We will prevail.” “This is the promise that will pull many out of despair into hope. These words will cause many to refuse to surrender when everything looks like they should. The message is simple to the simple but speaks volumes to those who have an ear to hear.

The discipline of a Father

It sounds as if God were reprimanding me doesn’t it? He wasn’t. He was teaching me. Teaching me to go deeper, to press in, and to open my eyes and ears to the spirit’s message in the words of his people. To search out the layers of the prophecy. Someday I hope to get it right the first time but until then he is patient to teach me.

So according to this particular prophet, 2021 will have many challenges and rough days but our Father is not unaware or taken by surprise. He has already laid out a response and solution and we can rest assured his plans for our good will prevail. I’m excited to begin this year knowing he is already working it out for my good. And with each challenge conquered I grow.

Let’s stretch!

I invite you to join me in stretching this year. I’m writing the book of Proverbs in my own words this month. I’ve never really enjoyed reading Proverbs because it doesn’t read like a story. However, since undertaking to put it in my own words, I’ve found it to be quite enjoyable and actually supported by much of the New Testament. I’m also spending time with God both in the morning and the evening (evenings are new for me). Since I have the house to myself these are easy disciplines to incorporate. I’m hoping to post my finished interpretation of the book of Proverbs here on this site or I may compile them into a devotional. I would love and appreciate your feedback on this idea!

You may need to look for other ways to stretch, they don’t have to be the same as me, but I encourage you to seek new ways to connect with him. Improved hearing is just one of the benefits!

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