In My Father’s House . . .

I find it interesting, in light of the approaching Easter season, that my daily study is currently in John 13 and 14 where we find Jesus preparing his followers for his crucifixion. One phrase that stands out to me is “in my Father’s house are many rooms.”

How many times have I heard that scripture read at a funeral or memorial service? The idea being that our dwelling place for eternity has been prepared. That Jesus is some kind of supernatural concierge who has gone ahead of us and orchestrated the preparation of our “rooms” in anticipation of occupancy. This only emphasizes the all too common thought that life is just something to “get through” on our way to our heavenly dwelling.

However, when I put the dwelling place of God into the context that the Temple was once the dwelling place of God, I don’t see Jesus preparing heaven as a destination for us but opening the way for us to be a resting place for heaven. God would no longer be found in the one prescribed place of worship, Jerusalem, but he would be found in many rooms – you and me. And together, we form the house of God. That we each carry aspects or facets of God but that together, we are the wholeness of God. We become the house of God comprised of many rooms. The only key being Jesus. I believe this is what Jesus was pointing to when he told the woman at the well that we would no longer worship in the temple or on the mountain but we would worship in spirit and in truth.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, . . .
1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV)

This is a radical shift of focus isn’t it? When we understand our destiny is carrying the presence of God among people instead of biding our time until we get to heaven, our priorities change. We aren’t as concerned with the behavior of other people but we become concerned with how well did we carry heaven today. Did we allow the light and warmth of heaven’s presence to spill it out throughout our day or did we keep it shrouded and unknown?

Likewise, when we understand that we are one of MANY rooms, competition with other Christians becomes as ridiculous as the bedroom competing with the kitchen. They both have purpose and they are both essential. We are part of something bigger.

Finally, it means my property value has increased significantly. I am no longer just “me.” I am the very presence of God in a room – a doctor’s office – at Wal-mart. I am significant. I am powerful. My presence makes darkness flee. I am a “piece” of heaven on Earth and I carry the “peace” of heaven with me.

I am praying for a couple of things today. First, that I would be more aware of what I am carrying throughout my day and that I would become less defeated by the countless things that sneak in to my day to irritate and harass me. Second, that I carry heaven in such a way that it impacts the people I encounter in an eternally significant way.

What will you pray for today?