Faith Praises In The Dark

Earlier today, I read this phrase – Faith Praises In The Dark. Basically, it’s stating that when you have faith, you are able to anticipate and celebrate your victory before you actually see it.

That’s a pretty good definition of faith, don’t you think? When you think of Daniel facing the Lion’s Den or Paul and Silas singing in prison, you get a great visual of what that kind faith looks like. The unfortunate thing is that we tend to believe this kind of faith is for the spiritual giants. All too often, we find ourselves in dark places with no spit – no wet for our whistle so to speak.

The Key

Actually, the key to praising in the dark is the power of testimony. How many times do you think Daniel recited the miracles of God. “You are the God of the ten plagues of Egypt, who parted the Red Sea, who brought forth water from the rock, stopped the flood waters of the Jordan River and brought down the walls of Jericho.”

I can just hear Paul reciting his own experience of the miraculous God who walked on water, calmed the storm, fed the 5,000 and rose from the dead.

Whenever I teach a class on how to pray for healing, one of the things I always emphasize is to remember – see – hear. What I mean by this is as we are preparing to partner with God for healing, our faith will be strengthened as we recall times we’ve seen God heal, visualize those events in our mind’s eye, and recount them to the person we are praying with. It not only encourages their faith – it encourages ours!

Don’t Worry

Don’t be discouraged if you find yourself in a dark place and you’ve never experienced a faith building moment, you can (just like Daniel must have) use stories from the Bible or stories from people you know.

You might say something like, “It looks dark now but I remember a story when God sent an angel to let Peter out of prison!” Of course, it always helps to have read the Bible. It’s never too late.

Now that I’ve shared the key to greater faith, I want to encourage you to start testifying to yourself today. Don’t wait until you are down for the count, strengthen yourself before the trial! Remember: Faith comes by hearing!

Today, I’m praying for God to remind me of the many people I’ve seen healed through prayer and the many times He has provided for us.

What are you praying for? Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear from you!