No Holding Back

One of the hardest things I’ve ever done is to write my tithe check, when I received the proceeds from Bert’s life insurance. Bert and I have lived a long time believing the spiritual dynamic of generosity with the tithe being the minimum amount given but I found my faith really tested in this. Before, I’ve always had the assurance of God’s provision because of the favor Bert had with people but now I would have to trust that God would continue to provide without Bert. I made it the first check I wrote because it was such an internal struggle for me. I didn’t want to give fear any more space to talk me out of what I knew was a step of faith. I’m not sharing this to boast of my discipline but to confess my weakness. What should have been easy in light of the faithfulness I’ve experienced from God was actually very difficult.

A Swift Death

All of this comes to mind because I’ve been reading the story of Ananias and Saphira this morning. It is such a bizarre story in the fifth chapter of the Book of Acts involving money, lying and judgement As I was reading, I asked the Lord, “If I had held back my tithe would you have struck me dead?” I asked this already knowing the answer. Of course, God doesn’t kill people for not tithing. If that were really the case, many Christians would be six feet under! It made me wonder what, really, was it that brought such swift death to this couple?

At the time, many new believers were selling property and giving the proceeds to the church to be distributed to those in need. It wasn’t a requirement for membership but a response of generosity to the generosity of God’s grace of the New Covenant. Ananias and Saphira sold a piece of their property and decided to give some of the proceeds to the church. So far so good. They were not under the compulsion to perform in order to receive the free gift of salvation. It is at this point that the story takes a weird turn because they plot together to represent what they’re giving as the whole banana. Why? What benefit would come to them? The praises of the people? Possibly a place among the leadership? What drove their choice to pretend to be more generous than they actually were? Whatever their motives the result is disastrous for them as they each are struck dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. Dude.

What’s the point?

Contemplating this and my own giving I asked, “What was the point Lord?”

He responded, “Take money out of the equation and consider what they did.”

“Ok. They were publicly proclaiming that they were giving their all when they were secretly holding back. They did this expecting to receive the same results received by those who had in actuality given all they had.”
Even as I responded to Him, I could see the spiritual implications. My friend Dave used to say of the gospel, “It’s completely free but it costs everything.” In other words, in order to receive His life, you must be willing to give Him your life. It’s a great exchange. However, there are many, many people that profess they have given their all that have secretly held back. They boldly declare their passion for Him but in truth there are things they love more. This duality is a kind of hypocrisy that will ultimately come to light sooner or later and it often does great damage to the body of Christ.

I believe, help my unbelief.

I don’t think God demands perfect faith. I think he expects total honesty as to where you’re at. I believe, help my unbelief. Without honesty, how can He help us to grow in our faith? Just who do we think we’re fooling? You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool God. When we’re willing to admit we are afraid to lay everything at his feet, He helps us to move forward in faith but if we deny we need help, no help is available.

I sincerely hope you don’t come away from reading this thinking that God is demanding your money. This is so much bigger than money.

“For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Matthew 16:25 (NIV)

Today, I’m praying that God will reveal any area in my life that is not surrendered to Him. I’m also praying for persecuted Christians around the world who are literally giving their all for their faith.

What are you praying for? Please leave a comment and let me know what you think.

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