
I’ve had two prophets prophesy over me in the last week. Two people who are recognized for their strong anointing of prophecy and walk in a high degree of accuracy. They each addressed various aspects of what they “saw” on me but there was one thing their prophecies had in common – I’m coming into an upgrade.

Hooray! I am so ready for an upgrade!

However, how many of us know that prophecy is more potential than promise? Prophesy is an invitation to partner with God toward His plans for you. If someone prophesies that you are called to missions in China, you partner with God by getting a passport, studying Chinese culture, maybe even learning the dialect. You partner with God by getting a map of China and praying over it. You will not see the potential of that prophesy fulfilled if you go home, sit on your bed and wait for someone to show up with your passport and plane ticket in hand. No one can “make” a prophecy happen but we can partner with God by preparing for it in faith.

So God wants to give me an upgrade! But upgrades usually mean the dismantling of some things. When you upgrade your kitchen, you must take out the old cabinets and appliances in order to replace them with better ones. Upgrade means change. Change for the better but still change and change can be challenging. Change can be uncomfortable. Change means things can’t stay the same. Groan . . . a very small part of me wants to protest that I’m too old to change but then I think about all the change I’ve been through in the last year and I think I’d like to experience some positive change this year.

So I’ve been asking God, “How can I partner with this prophetic word?” Of course, He immediately shows me an area in my life that needs deconstruction and an area that needs strengthening. What fun! It’s like prepping to paint a room. First you strip the wallpaper. We all love that, right? Then we patch the holes and some holes are bigger than others. A little sanding, a little taping, lay down the tarps and you’re good to go. Of course, the process of painting can get messy so you better be prepared to clean up your mistakes as you go. My enthusiasm is feeling a little deflated.

Let me be transparent about my deconstruction.

Let me be transparent about my deconstruction. He’s made it clear that I need to change my entertainment preferences. Bert and I have always enjoyed a great action film where there are good guys and bad guys and lots of shooting and the bad guys lose in a hale of bullets. I also enjoy detective and mystery shows where I try to figure out whodunit before the chief character. The problem is most of these shows now pursue greater and greater shock value as they try to achieve an R rating. Jesus says, “Stop desensitizing yourself to bad language and violent behavior.” OK, that means switching to the Discovery Channel.

I also have to stop caring about offending people. Let me clarify. I don’t mean I can become offensive. If I’m honest, I must confess that often I won’t say things because I know people don’t want to hear them. I think it’s called a “fear of man.” So yesterday I preached on half-hearted Christianity and, yes, I managed to make some people unhappy. And today, I am trying not to be concerned over it. This is hard stuff people.

So those are 2 of the areas being deconstructed. What area do I need to strengthen? My prayer life.

I have always been a praying person. However, during Bert’s fight with cancer, a lot of my prayers were centered on that. I’m also a great soaking prayer person. I love communing with the Holy Spirit. But Jesus says, “Remember your youth when you championed others in your prayers. Spend more time praying my heart. Listen to my concerns and pray in agreement with me.” Okie dokie, Lord.

This feels like a lot of work. Can’t I just sit on my bed and wait for this upgrade to drop in my lap? We all know that’s not going to happen.

Today I’m praying for my friends in Cameroon and Uganda. Two nations who are experiencing upheaval and violence. I’m praying for God’s spirit of peace to permeate the landscape and bring people back to their senses and I’m praying for protection of the innocent. I’m also praying that I’m not too old and set in my ways to upgrade.

What are you praying for today? Please leave a comment, I’d love to hear what you think!