Let’s Get Off This Ride

In Conclusion . . .

This will be the last of a three part series regarding generational sin cycles. If you missed the first two they were I Don’t Cook and As I Was Saying. In my last article, I wrote about the Biblical evidence of generational sin cycles or, as they are often referred to, generational curses. For the sake of key strokes, I will refer to them as cycles.  (I’m a lazy typist.)  In this discourse, I will touch on my personal experience and how I broke the impact of this principle in my own life.

Having served in professional ministry for over 25 years (I must have started when I was four), I’ve encountered the impact of these cycles many times in deliverance and inner healing ministry. However, those stories aren’t mine to tell so I will share a small part of my own story. I must warn you that, although I will try to be discreet, the content of the next couple of paragraphs may make you uncomfortable. I want to be honest and transparent without being unnecessarily graphic.

A Multitude Of Sins

In my family, there have been a number of cycles that came to rest on me and my siblings from both parents’ lines but, I believe, primarily from my father’s. I won’t share my siblings’ experiences or struggles. Suffice it to say that we all inherited problems that can be traced back to one of the cycles that prevailed in our family lines.

One of the most prevalent and easiest cycles to identify was sexual sin. I know of sexual perversion and license that goes back to at least my great-grandfather. I believe it probably goes back further. My grandfather was known as a “dirty old man” when I was a child. We call them pedophiles today. I’ve heard stories that his father liked “younger” women too. Even though I was never victimized by him, he established an open door of sexual sin that was passed on to his descendants. Subsequently, although my father was not a child molester, he embraced a lifestyle of sexual brokenness that included many, many, many unhealthy liaisons and short term relationships.

As I’ve written earlier, when this kind of cycle becomes established in a family, two things usually happen. Your descendants get victimized by and commit the same type of sin. In my case, as a young child, I was molested. I responded by becoming very promiscuous as a young woman (this can be common for survivors of childhood molestation). You see the double edged sword, right? I became a victim and a perpetrator of sexual sin.

I’d Like To Return This Please

When I fell in love with Jesus and surrendered my life to him, I was surprised that I still struggled with lustful thoughts. I was never unfaithful in my marriage but I had struggled. Everything I understood about Christianity said that I was no longer subject to sin but it sure felt like I was. I was married to the most wonderful man on earth! Why would I find anyone else even the least bit attractive. Intellectually, I was mortified.

Then I started learning about the spiritual dynamic of generational sin cycles. I had a book that had a prayer/declaration to break the curse of generational sin in it, so I read it out loud for every pattern I could think of in my family line. The biggest and most obvious was sexual sin but there were several others like lying, addiction and infirmity that I prayed off too.

That night was huge! Gone were the romantic thoughts about other men. Actually, when I tried to think of someone I’d found attractive the day before, I wondered, “What was I thinking? They’re actually kind of gross.” The atmosphere in my mind was so clean and healthy! I don’t think Bert ever knew my struggle but I can honestly say our marriage just kept getting better after that prayer.

The one question that keeps coming up is “If you have received forgiveness, how can your ancestor’s sin still be in operaton?” I DON’T KNOW. I can only say that it has been my personal experience and the experience for so many others that reams of stuff has been written about it. My own experience of receiving freedom is enough to convince me.


If you have been damaged emotionally and spiritually, this isn’t a magic bullet. I have studied and been through inner healing and deliverance as part of my pursuit of spiritual health. I consistently study the Bible, belong to a faith family and spend time in communion with the Holy Spirit on a regular basis. Breaking generational sin cycles can be a small but important part having a “properous soul.” If you would like a example of how to break the power of a generational curse in your life, please follow this link.

Today I am praying for the marriages in our community and region to be strengthened, loving and Godly.

What are you praying for these days? Please leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you! I will be writing a monthly newsletter soon. If you’d like to receive it, be sure to subscribe by submitting your email on the right side of the screen.