Breaking The Chains

Following is the prayer I prayed to break the chains of generational sin cycles in my life. This prayer is meant to be read aloud. It is not magic but has been crafted to include important elements of repentance, forgiveness and the authority of Jesus. I’m using an example the sin of not paying your bills.

In the name of Jesus, I repent on behalf of my ancestors for the sin of stealing or cheating and not paying what I owe. I also repent on my own behalf if I have partnered with them in any way by committing that sin and ask for forgiveness.

I know that I am forgiven because of the cross and I choose to forgive my ancestors for the way their sin has impacted my life. I release judgment of them to you Lord.

Now I place the blood of Jesus between me and any curse or demonic assignment that has come upon me or my descendants because of the sins of my ancestors.

I sever all ties with this ungodly and unholy part of my natural heritage.

I declare that I have a new heritage with God as my Father and I have access to the inheritance of blessing that Jesus secured for me on the cross. This is not just for me but for my descendants to the thousandth generation.

In the name of Jesus, I command every demonic spirit and lie – that was empowered by the choices of my ancestors – out of my life, thoughts, emotions, relationships, perceptions, marriage or future marriage, away from my children or future children, out of my destiny, my calling and my future.

I seal this truth in my spirit by the power of the name of Jesus!