Come To The Party

Dressing For Bed

When I was in fourth grade, I was invited to a “Come As You Are Party.” The idea is that you show up at your attendee’s home at some God-awful hour to take them by surprise and scoop them up in their pj’s to come to your party. Accordingly, my friend’s mom showed up at our door at the crack of dawn to scoop me up and whisk me away to the birthday party.The only problem was that I didn’t sleep in pajamas or a nightie. I didn’t even own the proper sleep attire. Money was tight for us and my clothing allowance was spent on school clothes. Why would anyone waste their money on pajamas when any old raggedy t-shirt served just as well and frankly, was more comfy. Anyway, my mom hurriedly helped me get into some street clothes and scooted me out the door for a fun day with friends. Happily, I wasn’t the only girl out of dress code and it was a fun day (although I found myself wistfully wishing I owned a pair of cute pajamas).

Are You Pregnant?

In the Bible, Jesus shares a story of a man who was having a party. The guests he originally invited decided not to come. Their rejection of his invitation caused him to open the party to anyone who would like to attend. So he sent his servants to invite strangers to come as they were. The man provided the appropriate party clothes – all that was needed was to put them on. As the host, he bore the cost of it all. Yet, in the story, we find someone who has not bothered dressing in the clothes provided and he is cast out. He is treated as those who originally rejected the invitation – put on the outside. There is no halfway in God’s kingdom. You’re either all in or you’re out. As my friend puts it – you’re either pregnant or you’re not.

I keep thinking of that party and how unprepared I was for it. I still sleep in a t-shirt (although I keep a pair of lounge pants next to the bed just in case). Come as you are. That’s the invitation of the gospel. Come as you are. Don’t try to get cleaned up first. Don’t wait until you are properly dressed. Just come and everything you need will be provided for you. However, once you’ve been given what you need, you are expected to take it up and put it on. I’m not talking about performance as much as commitment. Am I committed enough to leave my old stuff behind and put on what’s been furnished?

When Jesus told this story, he was addressing three themes. The first addressed the rejection of the Jewish religious system of him as Messiah and the resultant exclusion from the kingdom (the celebration). The second addressed the subsequent invitation being extended of the rest of the world and his provision for their lack. Finally, he highlights the peril of “spectator faith.” Faith that says “yes” but doesn’t live “yes.”

Get Dressed

In his letter to the church in Ephesus, Paul emphasized that faith must result in a transformation of sorts. Faith looks like something. He gave literal examples of what our core values look like when we “put on” Christ. Truth abounds (I don’t mean brutal honesty); peace prevails within us; contribution replaces consumerism and entitlement; our words reflect value for others; kindness, compassion and forgiveness become a way of life; and our spiritual sensitivity to what is unholy or offensive to the Holy Spirit is increased. These are the wedding clothes supplied by the host.

For me, putting on Christ has been a process. I find that it takes intentionality on my part. I don’t mean trying to be more kind or truthful. I’m being intentional about being aware of his Spirit. As I focus more on him, the easier it is to see these core values manifest in my life.

You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV)

In the fourth grade, I think I would have been thrilled to have been supplied with a new set of pj’s for that party. I wouldn’t have hesitated to put them on. Now we are invited to a better “come as you are” party. An eternal celebration. And everything we need has been furnished! That’s just good news.

Prayer Matters

Today I am praying for families to walk in forgiveness and be restored to one another in health. I pray they would learn how to honor boundaries (not walls) and value one another’s uniqueness. I pray parents would celebrate their children without making them idols and children would respect their parents without fear. I pray mothers and fathers would work together to establish a covering of safety and provision and siblings would commend one another not needing to compete with each other. I’m praying parents model their faith in the home in a way that draws their children into God’s kingdom by choice.

Thanks for reading my article. What are you praying for today? Leave a comment so I can partner with you in prayer or just let me know what you think of this article.

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