You’ve Got A Friend

Let Me Tell You ‘Bout My Best Friend

I’ve been putting off writing this article because it’s touches tender places. In one of my earliest articles (Am I Still Known) I shared how lonely it can be to be unknown. Bert was my best friend so undertaking to write of God’s faithfulness as friend has evoked a myriad of emotions for me. However, I think this aspect of God’s faithfulness is vital to understand.

How do you picture the Holy Spirit? Whenever I think of God as the Holy Spirit, I think of him as my “constant companion.” The Father is in the throne room and Jesus is at his right hand but the Holy Spirit is God shed abroad. God here on earth. God with us now. He is our comforter, our encourage, our defender, our adviser – bringing us revelation from the Father’s heart and the mind of Christ. We are “sealed” with him – the deposit of God’s presence – until the final day of our redemption, the day we step into heaven.

Thank You for Being a Friend

How do you a define a friend? I have many, many friends. Something I never dreamed of as a child. I wasn’t popular or sought after when I was young. Now, I have many friends and friendships that I value – some casual and some quite close. But I’ve only had one real best friend and that was my sweetie, Bert. Bert saw me at my best and applauded the loudest. He cheered me on in anything and everything I chose to take on. I was always number one in his eyes. He also saw me at my worst. He saw the real ugly that I managed to hide from polite society. He heard discouragement and disparagement come out from my lips and never turned away. He would let me vent or rant and did not judge. Sometimes, he would agree whole heartedly and sometimes he would wait for me to run out of steam before he would confront my behavior. Did I say confront? Yes, he would correct my perspective and it wasn’t offensive because I knew the love behind it. Never did I think that Bert would want me to fail or that he wasn’t on my side or that I was a disappointment to him. He knew everything about me and loved me anyway.

He’s Making a List – Not

Have you ever heard the song, “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town?” In the song there is a line that says “He knows if you are sleeping, he knows if you’re awake.” In other words, Santa sees everything! Of course, Santa is not real but what a great analogy for God. God knows us inside and out. While Bert mostly knew me, he didn’t know every mistake, every poor choice, all the broken places in my life prior to his entrance upon the scene. There were things – thoughts – that I didn’t share with him but God knew. God has seen EVERYTHING and knows ALL about my life. Rather than condemning me for my worst, he chooses to see the very best version of me. He is faithful. He applauds my victories. He is faithful. He allows me to stumble, ready to come alongside and help me when I am ready to receive help. He is faithful. He confronts me when I need it but always from a position of love. He is faithful. He doesn’t walk away because I’ve disappointed him. He is faithful. He doesn’t give up on me because I repeat the same mistake over and over again. He is faithful. He’s not waiting to take me down a notch or keep me humble. He is faithful. He is for me – on my side – putting me at the head of the line not the back – pulling for me to succeed! He is the friend that forgives the worst in me and celebrates the best.

I’ll Be There for You

Who is your model for friendship? I’m so fortunate to have had Bert for a friend. Before him, my models for friendship weren’t all that good. Some of the people I trusted the most betrayed that trust, leaving me feeling raw and exposed. Some people sought out my friendship because they wanted something from me. Many of my friends did nothing for my character except to corrupt me further! Often our understanding of God as our friend is skewed because of the models we’ve experienced but we can use those negative experiences to better understand the faithfulness of God as our friend. Been betrayed? He is trustworthy and will never betray you. Feeling used? He’s invited us into partnership not slavery. Not feeling good enough? He brings out the best in us without stumbling over the worst in us. And he is always here for us – the constant companion.

But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.

John 16:7 (NIV)

What Do You Think?

Who is your best friend? In what ways does that relationship reflect faithfulness (or not)? What kind of friend are you to the significant people in your life? How close do you allow people to get to you? I’d love for you to tell me your thoughts.

Prayer Matters

Personally, I’m praying that I won’t feel so lonely when I think of Bert. I’m also praying that I will grow in my ability to have conversations with God. That I will invest in this friendship and mature in my walk.

Thanks for reading my blog. What about you? What are you praying for? Share by commenting or you can contact me privately with any prayer concerns at .

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2 Replies to “You’ve Got A Friend”

  1. This is one of my favorite blogs you have written. Your inspiration knows no leaps or bounds. You know how to touch our hearts with words that we can so relate to. Thank you for sharing your gifts with all of us. ?

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