A Weed Is A Weed

I spent most of my day pulling weeds in the back yard today. I’m trying to get the pool area ready for summer. I think it’s disgusting that my dog will eat every flower and bush that I plant but never touch the weeds. Rotten dog. The downside to all the rain we’ve been getting is how well the weeds thrive when they’re getting watered. The upside is that the soil is soft and they come out easily!

I’ve been putting off these flower beds for quite awhile and they looked it. So I called my kids who dropped off the grandkids and we went for it. They are about 75% done and if I get back at it on Monday, I may actually be able to keep them clear for the summer.

Creation reflects the creator. . .

Gardening (or weeding) always makes me feel closer to God. When you’re working outside, you can’t help but contemplate on how the creation reflects the creator. So as my weeds came out so easily due to the softened soil, I was thinking how weeds were like temptations. I mean, temptations will always come because that is the nature of the devil. But when we’ve “watered” our souls with his presence, those temptations are easily done away with. It’s when we are dry, that they really take take hold and require us to dig down deep to root them out. Then weeding is no longer a pleasant day in the sun. Not only do weeds take hold but nothing lovely grows. Before you know it, your flower beds are full of goatheads and dog poop! Rotten dog.

Anyway, this is what the Holy Spirit was speaking to me as I pulled up handful after handful of soft green weeds. Saturate yourself with his presence. Make time for it even if it’s just for a few minutes throughout your day. Get up earlier or go to bed later. Turn the TV off and pick up your Bible. Go to church. Go to a Bible study. Soft, rich soil requires more than a sprinkle now and then.  I want to be good soil!

Today I’m praying for restoration to come to all the people in the Midwest who have been victimized by flooding and to all the people in the West who have lost so much to wild fires because of drought.

What are you praying for today? Please leave a comment, I’d love to hear your thoughts.