Deep Draws To Deep

Have You Ever Wondered Why There Are So Many Different Churches Within the Designation of Christianity?

I am often asked this particular question by many non-Christians. If Christianity is so great, why are there so many differences among them? Most answers can be found in the study of church history.

I love church history. It has equipped me to have a real grasp of where certain traditions come from, why and when different ideologies were introduced into Christianity and the basic events that have shaped the church. Especially regarding things I don’t necessarily agree with. Understanding the back story has given me a lot more grace toward the differences between the many different denominations and flavors of Christianity.

Is Your Bible Dusty?

I try to read my Bible every day (not because I’m a pastor but because I’m a Christian). I’m a big fan of reading the Bible in historical context. I believe we see a lot of error today because someone interpreted scripture outside of its original context. How can we possibly understand what Jesus is saying to us if we don’t first understand what he was saying to the original audience?

Oops! I got kind of side-tracked! As you can see, I feel pretty strongly that our faith should be informed by study. This passion was birthed at the theological school I attended for credentialing 20 years ago. I considered my studies there a real test of my faith since most of my professors were adherents of extreme liberalism (which was way out of my box). Most of you know, I am pretty Orthodox. Anyway, I had this professor of Old Testament Studies that they had imported from Azusa Pacific named Bill. He and I became friendly and chatted quite often before and after class.

Are You Smarter than Your Pastor?

One day, Bill was bemoaning how hard it was to sit through his pastor’s sermon the previous Sunday because it was so out of context. Being a historian, he cringed whenever scripture was inaccurately applied in order to create motivation. I asked him if it was hard to receive from any pastor considering his field of expertise.

“Yes,” he confessed. “It is. It’s a pitfall to be able to see the inaccuracy of what’s being preached. Sometimes I consider not going to church at all but I like the people.”

“I bet you attend a church where most of the people are 40 to 50 years old with teenage children, attractive, well educated, upper income, out-going and friendly but not pushy, and they enjoy gathering for social events,” I ventured.

Surprised, he said yes. How did I know what his church was like? I would like to say I was being prophetic but the truth is that I had just described Bill.

“People go where people look like them,” I responded. (I’m finally getting to the point.) I am often reminded of this conversation. For one, it motivated me to make sure I kept context in my sermons! I always imagine Bill in the front row when I speak. The other is how the dynamic of attraction was so predictable. I have seen this principle played out over and over again. It is a rare and wonderful person who can extend beyond their selfness to connect with “other.”

Like Draws to Like

There is no denying that we are most comfortable with people who are similar to us or people we want to look like. That’s why in the first chapter of Genesis, we find that we were created in the image of God. Only man and woman. Not dogs, horses, or honey badgers – only humanity. (As wonderful as your fur baby may be, they are not the image of God.)

God created you and me in his image for two reasons. One is that we would be able to hold or house his spirit. (More on this thought another day.) The second was so we would be drawn to him. And the more we are drawn to him, the more we look like him. Have you ever seen a couple that’s been married forever? It’s astounding how much they begin to resemble each other!

And the more we look like him, the more we draw others to us. We become a touch point for encounter. Eventually their connection shifts from us to the one they’re really drawn to and they become touch points and the kingdom of God progresses.

What does God look like to you? What are you basing that on? Who is drawn to you? What about you attracted them? I’m really interested in your thoughts.

Prayer Matters

I’m praying God will reveal to you how wonderful you are! That you will see him in you and embrace the truth of that. I am praying we will grow in our capacity to receive the revelation of His love for us and His desire to be known by us. And I am praying that I will be like a light to moths, attracting those who are hungry for God that I might be the touch point that becomes an encounter.

Thanks for reading my blog. What about you? What are you praying for? Share by commenting or you can contact me privately with any prayer concerns at .

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2 Replies to “Deep Draws To Deep”

  1. I really enjoy these blogs. This was so good! It gave me a new perspective.?

    1. Thank you Rod. Whenever I think of this dynamic, I am reminded of the Cheers theme song. “Where everybody knows your name.” We want to be where it feels like family.

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