Music To My Ears

American Bandstand

I don’t know about you but I never really responded to the idea of singing Holy, Holy, Holy for eternity. I mean does it have a good beat and is it easy to dance to? Neither do the pictures of heavenly citizens sitting on clouds with hand-held harps do much for me. Maybe because I grew up in the sixties listening to The Beatles, Beach Boys and Motown (I agree -I don’t look that old) but  these images of heavenly music don’t really stimulate me!

When my husband first passed away, God allowed him to talk with me in the mornings (see Am I Still Known) and he made heaven sound so fun! When he described the throne room and the way worship wrapped around and drew you in to an ocean of glory, well, I could see joining that for awhile. But even at that, for eternity? My experience tells me that even the most glorious glory dims over the span of eternity.

Facebook Wisdom

That’s why I want to share what my friend Gabriel Lopez (husband of Louise) posted on FB the other day.

Isn’t that a delightful thought. God loves us so much, it will take all of eternity to discover the depth, the height, and the breadth of it.

How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You

As I go about my day, I find dozens of reminders of how much Bert loved me. Things like getting the premium AAA so I’d never be stranded, buying me a portable jig saw so I wouldn’t have to dig out the extension cord, saving every greeting card I ever gave him (even the racy ones). I think Bert must have spent most of his time anticipating my needs and meeting them before I even knew I had any. And every time I stop and consider what an expression of love each thing was, I hear “That’s how I love you but magnified.

He loves us, oh how he loves us!

I can definitely see spending eternity being loved like that! What I’ve already tasted in part, I would not mind being immersed in completely. It’s never boring to be loved and I would NEVER get tired of it.

Prayer Matters

Today I’m praying for children from broken homes to experience an encounter with the Father’s love. Even grown-up children. Any person that may have never known what it is to be cherished, protected, provided for. I’m praying for them to be swept off their feet by the tangible, eternal love that God feels for them.

Thanks for reading my article. What are you praying for today? Leave a comment so I can partner with you in prayer or just let me know what you think of this article.

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4 Replies to “Music To My Ears”

  1. I love reading your posts, Nancy. They encourage,
    enlighten, and are so relatable in many ways.
    I love your transparency, as well as your humor.
    I look forward to searching my emails now, just to find your blog post. Your strength, insight, and writing skills keep my interest, knowing I’m going to learn something new about you, or about myself.

  2. I am really enjoying your daily blogs! What a GREAT way to start the day out. It’s wonderful to be reminded how important we are to him and how much he loves us.

    1. Yes, isn’t it wonderful to think that His love for us so vast. I think it’s easy to lose sight of as we negotiate our lives.

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