Par 3


Bert and I were never athletic or real outdoorsy people. The one thing we did enjoy was golf. One of my favorite memories is golfing in Maui and stopping on the green to enjoy the views. I love to golf. Let me rephrase that – I love to PLAY golf. I’m not a serious golfer by any means. I’ve been known to tee up in the green, kick my ball to a better position, use a “hand wedge” out of the sand trap and when all else fails, to just drop a new ball as needed. I love golf because when you don’t hit the ball, it’s still there (unlike tennis or softball). You can walk if you want the exercise but it’s not required and you never have to run. You can eat, drink, drive, chat and skip a hole for a bathroom break. It really is my kind of sport. One of the biggest reasons I love golf is because of the “Mulligan.” That’s what golfers call a do over. “I’ll take a Mulligan on that shot.”

I can’t count the number of times I wish I had a Mulligan for things I’ve preached, taught or said. How many times have I “angry preached” or blithely repeated the counsel that I’d heard someone else give without really comprehending what was implicated? How many times have I taught poor theology in ignorance? Too many. I have a friend who remembers everything I’ve ever said or taught. It’s humbling. She will often tell me, “I remember when you told me blah blah blah.” Mortified, I will have to tell her “I was wrong and that was stupid.” She is so sweet to believe everything I’ve said is a gem but honestly, hearing it years later, I must admit it was garbage. Yes, it’s too bad I can’t just take a Mulligan on some of that stuff.

Today, I’d like to share something that’s been on my heart quite a bit but in order to share, I’ll have to correct something I used to teach. Let’s just pretend this is like golf and you won’t hold my bad swing against me.

One Sermon

When I was attending classes for licensing, one of my professors asked me a question. “If you could only give one sermon in your what would it be?” It didn’t take long for my response. My one sermon would most certainly be on forgiveness – receiving the forgiveness of Jesus and giving forgiveness to others. That was my whole heart in one word. Forgiveness.

However after more than 20 years in ministry, especially on ministry that focuses on healing, I would change my one sermon. Forgiveness is still in the top two. My experience is that about 90% of inner healing happens through forgiveness but there is something that I’ve come to realize must come first – hearing and recognizing the voice of God.

My Sheep Hear

Jesus taught us his sheep will hear his voice and know it. To hear and know is our inheritance. Unfortunately in the last 2,000 years, church leadership distanced the congregation from knowing that voice in intimacy. I’m sure this came about for good reason. I’m sure it was in response to situations like people making outrageous claims and attributing it to God or people justifying their sin by claiming God approved of their behavior. I understand only too well why the church began interjecting their leadership in the role of interpreter or go-between but the results have been unfortunate for the bride of Christ. How can a marriage thrive when the bride must hear from her husband through a mediator? Especially when the mediator doesn’t speak the in same language as the bride? And what about when the mediator isn’t available?

Poured Out On ALL People

I believe we all hear from God but we don’t often recognize that it is God. We’ve been conditioned not to expect Him to speak to us. That’s why we teach our kids how to hear the voice of God in our children’s church. (Check out our kids’ curriculum.) We want to equip and empower them to not just hear but to test what they’re hearing. We also have a class for new members on hearing the voice of God. Believe me, it really cuts back on the amount of counseling I have to do. Anyway, most of my counseling consists of “What does God say to you about that?” I’ve found the better someone is at hearing God, the better they are at identifying the voice of the devil. (Hint: “You’re so fat- stupid – clumsy – etc.” is not God.)

So we teach things the different ways that God speaks, such as your inner voice; pictures; impressions; dreams; creation; symbols; even colors or smells. We teach how to test what we’re hearing by its fruit; affect; and scriptural veracity. We practice listening in fun ways. We also learn what things hinder us from hearing God. Here comes my Mulligan.

Did I Actually Say That?

I used to teach that sin separated us from God. That somehow sin created an impassible barrier for God because He was holy and sin was abhorrent to Him. Now in all honesty, there is some truth in that thought. Sin does separate us from God. The error is that God cannot tolerate sinners. That is STUPID! Of course God can talk to sinners. How could He draw them to Himself for salvation otherwise? So how does sin become a hindrance in hearing God? In the same way that Adam and Eve hid in the garden, our spirit will “hide” from God even if we mentally seek him. Think about it. God knew what Adam and Eve had done but He still sought them. They were the ones who hid. I don’t know how many times I’ve had a hard time entering his presence and asked “Lord what’s hindering me from hearing clearly?” He will remind me of an instance where I took offense at someone, lost my temper, was unkind. I’ve learned to confess and repent quickly in order to get the conversation flowing. (Whew! Glad to have that off my chest.) The apostle John wrote about this in 1 John 3:21. I love the way The Passion Translation says it.

“My delightfully loved friends, when our hearts don’t condemn us, we have a bold freedom to speak face-to-face with God.”

1John 3:21 (TPT)

There are other things that can keep us from hearing clearly. A lack of trust or unhealed hurts are indicators that inner healing is needed to increase hearing intimately. However, there is a degree of hearing even in these circumstances.

Well there you have it. I once taught something that I’ve discovered was in error. (That’s the polite way to say it was stupid.) Thank you for your grace in not unfriending me! I may very well say something in error (stupid) again someday. Not likely but possible.

Prayers Matter

Today I’m praying for the legislators and governor of California. I’m especially praying they would not make decisions out their own pain or the perceived pain of others but out what is actually good and healthy for all people. I’m praying they would legislate appropriate laws for the common good without trying to replace family dynamics. I’m praying they each one would encounter the love and healing of God and that He would download strategies that become solutions without creating other problems. I’m praying they would represent all the people in our state not just the ones that identify with their party or with them personally.

Thanks for reading my article today. What are you praying for today? Leave a comment so I can partner with you in prayer or just let me know what you think of this article.

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9 Replies to “Par 3”

  1. You are such an amazing lady. I love how you can share your heart. I pray for many blessings for you and look forward to more of your blogs.

  2. Funny. Smart. Authentic/Real. Vulnerable…and filled with so much grace and wisdom.
    When I read this, I hear the heart of a woman, Daughter (of the King), pastor, friend, & teacher.

    I especially loved the poignancy that you shared about folks having the right and the invitation to intimacy with God Himself by asking, “How can a marriage thrive when a bride must hear from her husband through a mediator?” That struck a beautiful “amen” chord in me!

    Thank you, Nancy! You are GOLDEN!

  3. Hi Nancy!
    I enjoyed your blog today so very much! As I read it, I felt like you were probably writing about me, especially the part about needing the “do overs”. I am so grateful that GOD, in his mercy , will allow us to ask for a mulligan! Without it, I would really be in big trouble. I would probably never get past the first hole!
    Donna and I think of you often; Rod usually keeps me informed about the things that are going there.
    Take care and God Bless!

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