The Power Of A Blessing

The Power Of A Blessing

For those of you have been wondering, I still talk with Bert in my quiet times.  I just say, “Good morning my love.” and he’s right there.  Almost every conversation starts with him telling me, “Don’t worry, God is going to take care of you.”  I must look like a neon sign of worry in the spirit!


Anyway, the point of the last couple of blogs was to emphasize that our choices matter beyond our lifetime. How we respond to temptation and how we respond to God matters. (If you missed my series on generational curses, check out I Don’t Cook, As I Was Saying , and Let’s Get Off This Ride. )

Frankly, they were hard to write because there was so much focus on poor decisions but today I’d like to talk about the flip side! What about the generational blessings that will flow through a thousand generations? That is also a spiritual principle that is set in scripture. This is good news because the power of a blessing is definitely greater than a curse!

The Flip Side

So how does that work? Curses and blessings are both activated by people. However, one is empowered by the devil and one is empowered by God. Guess which is most powerful? It’s only logical that blessings trump curses because there is a greater power at work. That’s why we are taught to bless our enemies instead of curse them! If we really want to see change happen, we will partner with the greater power.

My friends and I were discussing Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California, at dinner last night. He has brought such a fresh understanding of the goodness of God to this generation that his influence has started revival fires around the globe. He is held in high esteem by the folks who were around the table. As we discussed his wisdom, revelation and humility, someone pointed out that he is a fifth generation pastor the fruit of generations of faith. He is a great example of generational blessings flowing down a family line and his children are carrying the legacy forward. He is a testimony of what a blessed heritage can produce.

I must admit, when I see this principle operating, I want to yell, “I’ve been robbed!” I said as much last night, One of my friends pointed out that God can redeem anyone, no matter how deep in darkness they are (I can testify to the truth of that). However, how much greater would the anointing of those ones have been to change the world and release the kingdom if they’d been born under the blessings of generations? For me, when I see someone like Bill Johnson, I am reminded that I am not living unto myself but with every Godly choice, it’s possible to release a blessing into the lives of my descendants for generations to come. I may be the first of a fifth generation world changer.

There’s Always Someone

Good news for me! My brother has done extensive research into our family line and he found that one of our ancestors was one of the original founders of the Quaker Church in America. Wow. Facing persecution, he left his country of origin to pursue religious freedom in the states. I would say there should be a whole lot of blessings in my account just because of him! My paternal grandmother was a devout Pentecostal believer of great faith. My maternal grandmother was a lukewarm Lutheran of saving faith. Those two ladies purchased a few credits for my benefit I’m sure. I’m claiming the right to many more blessings to be activated in my life because of that heritage! This just adds to the fact that I am now the daughter of The King who has given me the power and authority to cancel every curse.

The bottom line, at least for me, is this: Every choice matters. What we do today has eternal significance. Just by partnering with God, I am like an open flood gate of blessings! I love that image. Rivers out of my belly . . .

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38 (KJV)

Today I am praying the nation of Mexico. I am praying for their economy to be established in integrity and freedom for the Mexican people from superstitious beliefs that keep them bound in fear. I am praying for their infrastructure to be rebuilt and for revival to sweep through their land.

What are you praying for today? Thanks for your support. I hope you’re enjoying these random thoughts. Please leave a comment and be sure to subscribe so you will receive notifications of new articles.